
Sometimes referred to as “the silent disease”, Fibromyalgia sufferers can find their problems magnified when even some medical professionals dismiss fibromyalgia as being of psychosomatic origin.

Patients have often found that because they look “normal”, their very real pain and anguish are not being taken seriously.

I decided to investigate further.

Fibromyalgia is a common and potentially disabling condition affecting 2–5% of the population in developed countries, predominantly occurring in young to middle-aged women. Symptoms include widespread musculoskeletal pain and tenderness, poor quality sleep and significant levels of fatigue.

Often sufferers report problems with concentration and memory, otherwise known as “fibro fog” also high anxiety levels and depression. Physical or psychological stressors in susceptible people can result in chronic stress responses. These responses can result in the intensity of usually normal stimuli being amplified and experienced as pain.

Common treatments for Fibromyalgia are:

Painkillers, muscle relaxants, anti-depressants, anticonvulsants (seizure medications), antipsychotics and sleeping tablets.

Fibromyalgia patients can often experience multiple drug side effects while trying to lessen the symptoms of this disease.

Perhaps youʼve already tried prescription medication for your fibromyalgia and are now searching for a natural solution?

What effective natural remedies are available?

People wishing to avoid the usual route of prescription medications and their many side effects are advised to investigate natural therapies such as Bowen Therapy, Acupuncture and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Bowen Therapy, in particular is a gentle, drug free, non invasive therapy which can address the root causes of your fibromyalgia, not just mask the symptoms. If there is one thing I have learned so far it is that each client heals in their own time. We take it slow and steady for clients who’s body’s find it too much, starting with feather-light Bowen moves. As your body becomes more familiar with the treatment it will be able to take more in subsequent treatments.

Here is a short video where a fibromyalgia sufferer explains the benefits of Bowen Therapy for her condition.


Bowen therapy for Stress and anxiety relief


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome