About me


My name Irina comes from the Greek name Irene meaning “peace” 🕊️ When you come to my clinic I help you to be able to relax, unwind, tune into yourself and let go. There are soft glowing candles and beautiful music so you can float away on the cloud of your sensations. This is a safe space for you to leave the daily stress at the door and to give yourself time to feel at peace 😌

Being in this relaxed state will help your body to best respond to the Bowen touch.

My clients often ask me how I got into Bowen Therapy.

Being a busy working mum and trying to juggle work and family didn’t leave much time for looking after myself. Over the many years of working in an office, I had developed chronic back pain from sitting in front of the computer all day. It was so frustrating to keep taking painkillers and to limit my activities to something I could do without hurting myself more! Physio treatments helped to reduce the acute pain but the problems remained and I was concerned about what lies ahead… But I was lucky someone mentioned Bowen therapy to me and as I was desperate I gave it a go!

I was puzzled by the lightness of the moves at first, but seeing the therapist for several treatments made a big difference to my back. With regular maintenance sessions I now hardly ever have back pain, and life can be so much more enjoyable when you don’t feel crippled! I could continue doing my belly dancing classes, travel, and work in the garden without constant fear of hurting myself more 😊

When my dad’s health got much worse with the constant pains and a serious neurological condition I was looking for a technique to relieve his pain that would be gentle enough for him to handle. I thought of Bowen and decided to try a weekend workshop to learn how to do the basic moves myself. I loved the experience so much that I decided it is time to start my new journey as a Bowen therapist. I wanted to do something that would help people – and as a holistic healing technique, Bowen was the perfect answer in every way!

I love that I can bring people relief from stress, pain, and tension, and do it in a way that is gentle and comforting. I see people coming into my clinic who have been struggling with pain for months, sometimes years, and have become accustomed to the feeling of strain and discomfort - to be able to make them feel great again means so much to me 💜

I am inspired by many great trainers and Bowen practitioners here in Australia and all over the world. I regularly participate in professional learning to improve my knowledge and understanding of the human body.

I am a Full Member of the Bowen Association of Australia (BAA).