Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


If you are experiencing a tingling sensation, pins and needles, numbness or pain in your hand, wrist or arm you might be suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

The pain is usually caused by the compression of the nerves. This condition was named because of the median nerve that passes through the carpal tunnel area of the wrist, but it can be caused by nerve compression anywhere, in the wrist, forearm, elbow or shoulder.

Often the surgery is recommended but Bowen Therapy saved thousands of people from this invasive and expensive treatment.

As with many other conditions, the problem is not where it seems to be, and the surgery on the wrist is not going to be effective if the nerves are compressed at other sites.

By releasing the muscles of the back, neck and shoulder as well as elbow and wrist, the symptoms are usually greatly reduced after 3-6 sessions, and the patient can continue to improve by doing special exercises. The severity of pain will be usually reduced after the first treatment and will continue with each consecutive visit.

Comparing to surgery Bowen treatment is much more gentle and cheap, with no side effects, saving your wrist from the knife and enabling you to sleep without the feeling of tingling and numbness.

Give Bowen Therapy a try if you are struggling with pain!




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