Bowen therapy for Stress and anxiety relief

Bowen therapy helps with stress relief

When we are stressed our autonomic nervous system (ANS) shifts into the sympathetic mode, which is also called "fight or flight mode". In this mode, many systems that are important for the restoration and repair of body resources are shut down, as they are not considered essential for immediate survival.

Unfortunately, many of us are in the stressed state for long periods of time, so the body doesn't have a chance to shift ANS into a parasympathetic mode when the healing can occur. When you are in this mode, your body shuts or slows down those systems that it doesn't need to fight or flee (like digestive or immune systems), it tenses the muscles and tissues and releases hormone adrenalin. Prolonged stress has lots of negative effects on the body - it leads to headaches, insomnia, weight changes, depression, low immune response, and protracted periods of illness, headaches, and muscular pains.

The Bowen therapy can catalyse the shift of ANS from sympathetic to parasympathetic dominance and reactivate the recovery processes helping the body rest, repair and digest. The gentle touch of Bowen moves often leads to my clients going into deep relaxation or falling asleep. After the session, many report feeling very calm, light, relaxed and in a better mood! The sleep improves too, and with better rest, they feel much more energised and active.

Try Bowen if you feel the high stress level is affecting your wellbeing, and feel better after just one session!


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