Neck pain

Many of my clients are coming in with neck and upper back pain associated with hours spend sitting in front of the screen. Not just at work - it could be on a couch working on laptop (kids do it all the time too!). This neck pain is also often accompanied by headaches.

Often the neck muscles will become very tight as they have to support the weight of the head bent forward at unnatural angle - and that increase the load on the neck multiple times! The muscles that are usually involved in balancing posture can in turn become weak.

Yes we know our bodies are not designed for sitting but this is a reality of modern life - so how can we minimise the negative effect on our neck and back muscles and joints?

First of all if you spend hours in front of computer or laptop make sure you change your position and do regular stretches to help regulate the muscle tension. Breaking the periods over 30 min with movements will help to relief the tension in the tight upper back and neck muscles, and get other muscles engaged so they don’t become weak.

Bowen helps to relief the tension in the tight muscles and re-establish the body balance. Usually the improvement are felt after the first treatment. With the tension relieved, headaches are often resolved too.

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