Why does Bowen therapist work on your whole body when you come in with shoulder pain?

Bowen therapy works on fascia - the connective tissue that covers as a web not only all our muscles, joints, and organs, but also arteries and nerves.  It can take different appearances, from thick tissues (plantar fascia in the foot) to thin film-like layers that act like a casing.

Fascia helps to co-ordinate the body's movements (i.e., biomechanics), position in space (i.e., proprioception) and lymphatic fluid flow throughout the body (stiff fascia reduces the flow and can contribute to swelling in tissues).

Because everything in our body is connected by a fascial tissue, and it links the muscles and the joints far apart from each other, the tension from the tissue in one region of the body is affecting other tissues and nerve endings. This can cause pain up or down the line. When fascia is restricted somewhere in the body, the impact may be felt in a very different place.

For example, if you lose the flexibility in your big toe, the hip will have to work harder and lift higher when walking, to keep the balance. Hips and opposite shoulders work together in movement - so that tension is passed to the opposite shoulder. This could create pain and inflammation issues way away from your foot.

This is why Bowen therapy treats the whole body not just the problem area.

Bowen therapy help with shoulder pain

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