McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release (MSTR)

Do you have a scar from surgery, C-section, or a trauma?

I just completed a course on McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release or MSTR®, a gentle and effective technique of working on scar tissue.

Why would you want to treat your scar? Scar tissue is very different from skin tissue and can cause these negative effects on the body

1.       Changes in nerve and blood supply (peripheral neuropathy, tingling, numbness). Scar tissue can entrap nerves and blood vessels, causing compression

2.       Internal adhesion can affect underlying tissues and organs sliding against each other, causing pain

3.       Less flexible scar tissue affects a range of movement

4.       Change in lymph flow due to the blocks by collagen and thickness in scar area

5.       Effect on emotional and psychological levels, with lots of painful memories trapped in the scar

6.       Inhibit energy flow if the scar crosses one of the meridians

7.       Unsightly visually

What can MSTR® scar treatment improve?

1.       An increase in the blood flow and nutrients to the scar area

2.       Restored sensation and reduction in numbness

3.       Reduces the restriction in the tissue resulting in improvement in movement

4.       An increase in lymphatic drainage and improved lymphatic function for the body

5.       A release of the emotions trapped in the scar tissue (very important)

I am now looking for 5 people who would be interested in FREE scar treatment. No charge, as I will be including the outcomes for the treatments as my case studies. Please call me on 0402961464 to book your free treatment.


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